Avlyst/ Cancelled
Thursday 16 April
• Ocean Breath by Itziar Okariz @ 19.00 (*duration 20 minutes)
• Rewriting by Jonathan Burrows @ 19.30 (*duration 45 minutes)
• The Solo Piece by Matteo Fargion @ 20.30 (*duration 25 minutes)
MOVING WORDS PASS – 4 Evening Pass
Ocean Breath by Itziar Okariz
This work is built from a choral of breathing patterns. Ocean Breath, also call Ujjayi is a breathing technique used in yoga practice, which the artist teaches. The word ujjayi means “I victorious”, though it is more often translated as “ocean breathing” due to the image it conjures. The piece’s figurative nature is important, somewhere between the abstract space of the sound of breathing and the figuration it generates; as if the sign and its meaning were separated, fractured.
concept: Itziar Okariz
created and performed by: Itziar Okariz and Izar Ocariz
photos: Still of a video by Jesus Pueyo.
Rewriting av Jonathan Burrows
Hva består praktisering av koreografering av? I Rewriting førsøker Joathan Burrows – nølende og entusiastisk om hverandre – å kartlegge det ukjente territoriet kjent som koreografi. På den ene siden tar han utgangspunkt i en forestilling som tok ham to år å lage, men som aldri tidligere har blitt presentert for et publikum. På den andre siden bruker han utdrag fra boken sin A Choreographers Handbook (2010). I kontrast til den regjerende modellen, som antar at en vellykket produksjon er resultatet av en satt, forhåndsbesemt idé, foreslår Burrows en praktisering av en langsom og tilfeldig akkumulering av betydninger som oppstår under selve arbeidet. Han liker å sitere Mette Edvardsen, som beskriver sitt eget arbeid som “the dust that accumulates through the working”.
Skapt og fremført av Jonathan Burrows
Jonathan Burrows er støttet av PACT Zollverein Essen, Sadler’s Wells Theatre London og BIT Teatergarasjen Bergen.
The Solo Piece av Matteo Fargion
The Solo Piece ble bestilt av Labor Sonor Festivalen, Berlin 2018, hvor jeg var en av sekskomponister som var invitert til å lage danseverk.
Jeg tenkte det kanskje kunne være interessant å prøve en gangt til å oversette Morton FeldmansFor John Cage scoren, som Jonathan og jeg lånte for å lage vår første duo forestilling Both Sitting Duet i 2002, og som nylig varoversatt på nytt av Eleanor Sikorski og Flora Wellesley Wesley (også kalt Nora) for å lage Eleanor & Flora Music.
Men denne gangen er det kun meg på scenen, som veiver med armene. Og dette mer ensommemotpolet er nå mellom stemmen min og de meningsløse gestene jeg lager. Det er nesten ikkenoe nytt materiale I stykket, alt er skamløst stjået fra de tidlige duettene lagd sammen med Jonathan, og jeg likte hvor anderledes det så ut når omskrevet på denne måten.
Skapt og fremført av Matteo Fargion
Ocean Breath by Itziar Okariz
This work is built from a choral of breathing patterns. Ocean Breath, also call Ujjayi is a breathing technique used in yoga practice, which the artist teaches. The word ujjayi means “I victorious”, though it is more often translated as “ocean breathing” due to the image it conjures. The piece’s figurative nature is important, somewhere between the abstract space of the sound of breathing and the figuration it generates; as if the sign and its meaning were separated, fractured.
concept: Itziar Okariz
created and performed by: Itziar Okariz and Izar Ocariz
photos: Still of a video by Jesus Pueyo.
Rewriting by Jonathan Burrows
Of what does the practice of choreographing consist? In Rewriting, Jonathan Burrows attempts – by turns hesitantly and exuberantly – to map out the unknown territory known as choreography. On the one hand, he starts from a performance that took him two years to make but which he has never presented to an audience before, and on the other, he uses passages from his book A Choreographers’ Handbook (2010). In contrast to the dominant model, which assumes that a successful production is the result of a fixed, predetermined idea, Burrows proposes a practice of a slow, coincidental accumulation of meanings that emerges during the work itself. He likes to quote Mette Edvardsen, who describes her own work as ‘the dust that accumulates through the working’.
Made and performed by Jonathan Burrows
Jonathan Burrows is supported by PACT Zollverein Essen, Sadler’s Wells Theatre London and BIT Teatergarasjen Bergen.
The Solo Piece by Matteo Fargion
The Solo Piece was commissioned by the Labor Sonor Festival, Berlin 2018, for which I was one of six composers invited to make dance pieces.
I thought it might be interesting to have another go at translating the score of Morton Feldman’s For John Cage, which Jonathan and I borrowed to make our first duo performance Both Sitting Duet in 2002, and which was recently retranslated by Eleanor Sikorski and Flora Wellesley Wesley (aka Nora) to make Eleanor & Flora Music.
But this time it’s just me on stage, waiving my arms. And this more lonely counterpoint is now between my voice and the meaningless gestures that I make. There is almost no new material in the piece, it’s all shamelessly stolen from those early duets made with Jonathan, and I liked how different it looked when rewritten in this way.
Created and performed by Matteo Fargion